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Introduction to the L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone

发布者:Wuzheng [发表时间]:2023-06-23 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

The L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinoneis located in the core area of Italy,Lazio.It is 80 kilometers far from the university to Rome, the capital of Lazio.The L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone ranks fifth in the Italian domestic Academy of Fine Arts.

The university has four traditional Italian majors,painting, sculpture, decoration and print.According to the latest trends in the world design field,the L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone offered highly applicable and practical majors, such as visual communication, multimedia art, fashion design and cultural relic restoration. Each major of the college offers three-year undergraduate courses,two-year master degree's courses,one year to two years of master's degree courses, etc.

The teaching characteristic of the L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone is to emphasize the combination of professional theory and scientific experiment, that is, “knowledge” and “operation” are equal.