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Introduction to the National University of Industrial Technology and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia

发布者:Wuzheng [发表时间]:2023-05-16 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

The National University of Industrial Technology and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia holds the status ofafederalstatebudgetaryeducationalinstitution.The authority and responsibility for the establishment of institutionsare performed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The University today is a multi-disciplinary educational complex which includes 2institutes ofhigherlearning, 18 Institutesof Research, 2 colleges and 8 University preparatory schools. At the moment the University trains specialists at different educational levels in 225 programmes in design, engineering, humanities, economics and pedagogy.

The University campus includes eight academic buildings, most ofwhich are locatedin the historic city centre. There are also four student dormitories and six countryside properties. Modern equipment of the departments, academic and research laboratories, lecture halls, experimentaland test production workshops and industrial workshops of the research and production centre allowthemto deliver programmes of both vocational and higher professional education. International research and educational programs are rapidly developing at the University.