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Deepening China-UK Education Co-operation | Professor Robin Kerr from Manchester Metropolitan University majoring in fashion design came to our school for an inspection and exchange

发布者: [发表时间]:2024-06-07 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

On June 3, 2024, Professor Robin Kerr, head of Fashion Design and Head of China Project from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, visited Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology. Liu Youfa, Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department, Luo Mi, Deputy Dean of Fashion Design School, and Ms. Yue Fang, teacher of International Exchange and Cooperation Department, participated in the reception and exchange.

Manchester Metropolitan University is a British public university with a commitment to high-quality teaching and research, and Manchester Metropolitan University is one of the top 200 universities in the world under 50 years old, with master's and doctoral degree programs.

Prof. Robin Kerr visited the Industrial School of the Fashion Design Institute

The exchange between the School of Fashion Design and Manchester Metropolitan University originated in early 2023, and in 2023, there were in-depth discussions on the exchange program and a number of online meetings and exchanges. This meeting played a positive role in promoting the development of international exchanges of the School of Fashion Design.