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Representatives of JIFT participate in the 2023 Chinese and Foreign Cultural Exchange Programme in Jiangxi Province

发布者:Wuzheng [发表时间]:2023-09-28 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

In the afternoon of 25th September, 2023,Jiangxi Chinese and Foreign Cultural Exchange Galais held in Nanchang Flower Expo Park with the theme of "Full Moon Mid-Autumn Festival, Full of Love in Jiangxi".Itbuildsa multi-cultural exchange platform for Chinese and foreign students in Jiangxi.As representatives of JIFT, we are honored to meet friends from different countries and regions at the site,making active interaction swith international students from other universities, which fully demonstrates our enthusiasm, vitality and friendliness.

While appreciating flowers and touring the garden, we participate in various cultural displays with Chinese elements, including Mid-Autumn Poetry,Sinology lectures, etc. Moreover, we are immersed in porcelain painting, mooncake making, fan painting, Tai Chi, and other Chinese traditional activities.

This unique Mid-Autumn Festival garden tour not only enables international students to deeply experience the traditional folk-custom culture of China, but also make close connection with rich Chinese elements.

In addition, the representatives also actively participate in the cultural exchange seminar and discuss topics of fashion, clothing and art design with international students. We hope that through this cultural seminar, we can make small contribution to the promotion of Chinese and foreign dress culture exchange.Look forward to more opportunities in the future so that we cancontinue toshare ourattireculture.